Through this website our company only collects your personal information when receiving an order, or when receiving an email with an inquiry pertaining to a product or service that we offer. This personal information provided may be used solely to communicate with an individual in conjunction with said orders, customer service matters, or any other inquiry related to the business relationship between our company and an individual.
This personal information is solely used for the purposes for which it is collected and is not used or disclosed in any way that it may circumvent or be in violation of Alberta's PIPA or Canada's PIPEDA legislation. Prior to any public posting of personal information (ie, this item was acquired from [INSERT PERSON NAME]), we will reach out to obtain consent and if consent is not provided, then that information will not be posted. If consent is later withdrawn to have that information associated with an item, we will remove it upon receiving notice. We do not send unsolicited mail or communications. We will not disclose the personal information in our custody to third-parties or otherwise without the express consent of the individual, except in circumstances where required by law:
To protect personal information, access to that information is password protected and our company also has an internal retention period for information. This means that personal information is retained for only as long as it is reasonable to fulfill our business/legal obligations and is then either destroyed/deleted, or redacted to remove identifiable personal information from records.
Any further questions/concerns about how we handle your personal information can be submitted to our company president/designated privacy officer using the "Contact Us" form. Thank you!
This personal information is solely used for the purposes for which it is collected and is not used or disclosed in any way that it may circumvent or be in violation of Alberta's PIPA or Canada's PIPEDA legislation. Prior to any public posting of personal information (ie, this item was acquired from [INSERT PERSON NAME]), we will reach out to obtain consent and if consent is not provided, then that information will not be posted. If consent is later withdrawn to have that information associated with an item, we will remove it upon receiving notice. We do not send unsolicited mail or communications. We will not disclose the personal information in our custody to third-parties or otherwise without the express consent of the individual, except in circumstances where required by law:
To protect personal information, access to that information is password protected and our company also has an internal retention period for information. This means that personal information is retained for only as long as it is reasonable to fulfill our business/legal obligations and is then either destroyed/deleted, or redacted to remove identifiable personal information from records.
Any further questions/concerns about how we handle your personal information can be submitted to our company president/designated privacy officer using the "Contact Us" form. Thank you!